Professor Peter Kresl

Professor Peter Kresl

Peter Karl Kresl is the Charles P. Vaughn Professor of Economics, Emeritus, at Bucknell

University in Pennsylvania, he taught courses in international economics, and cities. Early in his

career he worked with the Association for Canadian Studies in the US, of which he ultimately

became President. In recent years he has worked with the Global Urban Competitiveness

Project, of which he was the co-founder 25 years ago. This past year he turned this position over

to Jaime Sobrino of El Colegio, in Mexico City. GUCP is a group of 18 researchers on urban

competitiveness from Asia, North America, the EU and Africa. He has also done work with the

OECD, the UN-Habitat, Centro Luigi Einaudi and the International Center for Economic

research (Turin, Italy). He is the author or co-author of 18 books, and editor or co-editor of 7

more, as well as more than 50 journal articles. He is currently writing a book on the current

policy climate in the US – Policy in Contentious Times. He has been visiting professor at the

Norwegian School of Economics, Lund University (Sweden), McGill University (Canada) and

Carleton University (Canada), and is the recipient of the William, H. Donner Medal in Canadian

Studies, the Seagram International Visiting Fellow (McGill University), a Specially Engaged

Expert for UN-Habitat, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, an Expert

Panel Member at the Guangzhou Urban Strategy Institute (China), and Chief Expert of Research

at National Business Daily in Chengdu (China). With a month’s notice he can become

conversational in French, German, Norwegian, Spanish and Italian.


Peter Kresl is a global authority on competitive regions. He points out the Americas-South, Central & Caribbean are US human and natural and mineral resource poll where better trade will aid the US and Australia achieve stronger economies.


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